domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013

Running BlueStacks on VirtualBox


Here is another tricky problem that I went through these days. I was trying to install BlueStacks on windows and I kept giving me an error that said my graphics card could not be found.
This is really simple to solve.

Go to your VM settings and enable 2d and 3d graphics. I also raise my graphic card memory, but I don't think that's necessary if it's just to use BlueStacks 64mb would be fine.

And that's it!


segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2013

Solving MySQL Error "The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/var/mysql/"

Today I ran out through this problem when trying to start mysql service. It took an hour to solve, and the problem wasn't really with MySQL.
If you look at the log it creates inside the mysql data folder you'll see several of permission denied warning, and that's really it.

Simply change the permission of every folder inside mysql recursively to, say, 777.
* So, run;
* Go the mysql folder;
* Type "sudo chmod -R 777 ./*" (don't you dare to type the quotes);

Done. Try to start the server again, and it should work like a charm.

I'm using OSX 10.9, but I think it works for every linux/unix systems.
See u.

quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2013

Build MySQL Driver for Qt 5 on Mac OSX Mavericks

That bugged me for awhile. But when I tried to compile the MySQL driver for Qt it compile fine. But somehow when putting the file inside the QTDIR/.../plugins/sqldrivers it wouldn't work! I just kept getting driver not loaded. And when calling QSqlDatabase::drivers() MySQL just wans't there.
Finally I found the solution:
  • open the terminal
  • navigate to sqldrivers on QTDIR folder
  • and run the command:
install_name_tool -change libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient_r.18.dylib libqsqlmysql.dylib

Now it works just fine!

sábado, 8 de setembro de 2012


Just got the news that my math sucks. Some exercises told me that.
Yeah, I know, have to do something about it in order to get along with my career.  Otherwise, that won't be a good career.
My programming skills have increased though. php, lua, jsp, so on.
Anyway, the post title doesn't make much sense, I know. Since you can't talk to yourself and write it, cause your brain is really fast and it answers and respond things more quickly than you can put into words.
Lately, my brain got more "Talking-to-myself times". I really needed those times.
Archimedes, while taking a bath, realized that when he got into the bath, the water level raised up. So, he figured that this could be used to determine volume. He got all of this being out of his field. It was a simple bath.
Also it's like when you're out of vacation in high school your handwriting sucks, and then when you go to vacation and get back, it seems to get frigging better. Well, it happens to me.
So, the point is that I'm starting to think that you need those times of being out of your field, whatever it is, to learn more. Out of work, home, whatever. You'll be studying all the time.

You know, just some talking to myself times.

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

Snake Game Got Better!

It's been awhile that I don't touch in the development of this game. It needed a design, I did it.
Now, the game doesnt seem so much ugly.
I also did some improves in the way people play it.
It was weird before, now it's okay. Play, and you'll know what i'm talking about.

See ya.

sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012

Some news! (iPassed and iOs app)

Lately, I've been developing a game using the Corona SDK and the iPassed as well.
You might ask "What's the iPassed?" Well, the iPassed it's a program that leads the person who's trying to get into college by providing them contents to study (like highschool contents, mind-breakers, exam simulator, conversation with teachers, a calendar with exam days pinned, and so on), and what they should improve according to the college and course he/she wants to go and the subjects that they're bad at. For now, the features provided by this program is avaiable only in my country (brazil) which is where I know everything about college stuff(almost everything), cause I've been through this. I almost got it built. But I'm looking for someone who could help me at this by doing programming stuff and creating new ideas with me. And I'm willing to post it until the end of this year or before this(i hope its before this, really).

About the game I'm developing it's called "Find Me" which is basically a memory game. The how to play is as follows: the game will provide a from-to path and will show you this for 5 seconds. And then you'll have to redo this path exatcly how it was showed to you before. For the sake of difficulty I made the pixel look like a larger square. And then the path you'll have to follow will be highlighted in those squares and as said, after 5 seconds it'll be downlighted. I'll redo it by touching the squares and highlighting them from the from-path to the to-path. As the level goes higher the squares get smaller and there'll be more squares to remember.

This is basically everything I've working on since the months I didnt post anything. I'll post other news about those apps as they happen.

Stay tuned. bb.

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

It's on!

Well, I'm done with not woing things. I got a project in mind, and I'm thinking of starting it. I won't say what it's about, but I think it'll worth the learning. I'll use C++ with QT4 by Nokia(You can see now that is a GUI program, not a game).
It'll take a little bit of my time. I expect to run a beta version in 6 months from today, and improve it in the next ones.

I can say that's a BIG project, the biggest one I've ever been in my whole life. I'll do it alone. Maybe, depending on how thing goes I'll ask a programmer or a designer to help me out, but nothing decided yet.

I would post the details here, but I'd spoiling and also because the idea is mine. Yeah, you're right, I'm a jealous guy.

My girlfriend does not let me have facebook, msn or twitter. I don't care about facebook or msn, but I wanted my twitter. She did let me have skype, but this isnt enough.
Anyway, I'm spoiling too much, I'm stopping right here.

I'm at college at this moment. And I'll begin to write the design of the program when I get home.

This WILL be fun!

See you bb.