Well, I'm done with not woing things. I got a project in mind, and I'm thinking of starting it. I won't say what it's about, but I think it'll worth the learning. I'll use C++ with QT4 by Nokia(You can see now that is a GUI program, not a game).
It'll take a little bit of my time. I expect to run a beta version in 6 months from today, and improve it in the next ones.
I can say that's a BIG project, the biggest one I've ever been in my whole life. I'll do it alone. Maybe, depending on how thing goes I'll ask a programmer or a designer to help me out, but nothing decided yet.
I would post the details here, but I'd spoiling and also because the idea is mine. Yeah, you're right, I'm a jealous guy.
My girlfriend does not let me have facebook, msn or twitter. I don't care about facebook or msn, but I wanted my twitter. She did let me have skype, but this isnt enough.
Anyway, I'm spoiling too much, I'm stopping right here.
I'm at college at this moment. And I'll begin to write the design of the program when I get home.
This WILL be fun!
See you bb.