sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012

Some news! (iPassed and iOs app)

Lately, I've been developing a game using the Corona SDK and the iPassed as well.
You might ask "What's the iPassed?" Well, the iPassed it's a program that leads the person who's trying to get into college by providing them contents to study (like highschool contents, mind-breakers, exam simulator, conversation with teachers, a calendar with exam days pinned, and so on), and what they should improve according to the college and course he/she wants to go and the subjects that they're bad at. For now, the features provided by this program is avaiable only in my country (brazil) which is where I know everything about college stuff(almost everything), cause I've been through this. I almost got it built. But I'm looking for someone who could help me at this by doing programming stuff and creating new ideas with me. And I'm willing to post it until the end of this year or before this(i hope its before this, really).

About the game I'm developing it's called "Find Me" which is basically a memory game. The how to play is as follows: the game will provide a from-to path and will show you this for 5 seconds. And then you'll have to redo this path exatcly how it was showed to you before. For the sake of difficulty I made the pixel look like a larger square. And then the path you'll have to follow will be highlighted in those squares and as said, after 5 seconds it'll be downlighted. I'll redo it by touching the squares and highlighting them from the from-path to the to-path. As the level goes higher the squares get smaller and there'll be more squares to remember.

This is basically everything I've working on since the months I didnt post anything. I'll post other news about those apps as they happen.

Stay tuned. bb.